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Sunscreen Showdown: Lotion or Spray – Which Protects Better?

Are your sunscreen offerings keeping pace with the latest in skin protection? Understanding the choice between sunscreen lotion and spray is essential for staying competitive in the skincare industry. With expertise in skincare innovations, this guide breaks down the latest research and industry trends, providing a deep dive into the efficacy and practicality of both […]

Spray Sunscreen Ingredients: What You Need to Know

How well do you understand the complex world of spray sunscreen ingredients crucial to your product offerings? Diving into these components is vital for any brands aiming to excel in the sun care industry. With extensive experience in the cosmetic industry, we bring a deep understanding of ingredient efficacy and safety, essential for product development. […]

8 Key Ingredients in Effective Eye Serums

Have you ever wondered what makes an eye serum exceptionally effective? The secret lies in the formulation of eye serum ingredients, each playing a role in rejuvenating and protecting the delicate skin around the eyes. Our comprehensive list is carefully compiled based on extensive research and dermatological insights, ensuring that each ingredient offers proven benefits. […]

Face Serum Secrets: Unveiling the Formula for Radiant Skin

Have you ever wondered what makes a face serum so effective? The answer lies in its meticulously crafted formula. As a seasoned skincare expert, I bring a wealth of knowledge to uncover the science behind skincare wonders. In the skincare industry, the face serum formula stands out as a cornerstone for achieving radiant skin, delivering […]

UK’s Top 6 Private Label Soap Manufacturers

Curious about the top players in UK’s private label soap manufacturing? You’ll be surprised to discover that the UK is a key player, home to some of the world’s finest soap makers. As a cosmetic expert with years of experience in the industry, I have the insider knowledge and expertise to guide you through this […]

A Deep Dive into 9 Key Ingredients of Self Tanner

Are you curious about what goes into the self tanners that give your clients that perfect glow? Self tanners are not just about the bronze look; they’re a blend of science and skincare. With years of experience in skincare and cosmetic formulation, I’m here to guide you through the complex world of self tanning ingredients. […]

9 Secrets of Lip Balm Production: A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever wondered what goes into creating the perfect lip balm? The process is both an art and a science. My expertise in cosmetic formulation and production gives me a unique perspective on the intricacies of lip balm manufacturing. I’ve worked with leading brands, bringing innovative and high-quality products to market. Lip balm manufacturing […]

The 7 Leading Lip Balm Manufacturers in the USA

Have you ever wondered who is behind the soothing and rejuvenating lip balms? The answer lies with the leading lip balm manufacturers in the USA, who are revolutionizing skincare with their innovative products. As a cosmetics expert, I understand the significance of quality and innovation in skincare products. My extensive experience allows me to identify […]

The Ultimate Guide to Face Toner Formulation

Are you striving to create a face toner formulation that stands out in the competitive skincare market? The journey to crafting a perfect face toner requires a blend of science, art, and market understanding. With years of experience in cosmetic formulation and a deep understanding of industry trends, I offer insights that can transform your […]

Unlock 9 Skin Benefits with Squalane: The Ultimate Guide

Have you ever wondered how a single ingredient can transform your skincare product? Squalane, known for its remarkable skin benefits, might just be the answer you’re looking for. With extensive research and expert reviews, we’ve crafted a guide that dives deep into the transformative powers of squalane for skin care. Here’s a sneak peek into […]

The Ultimate Guide to Glycolic Acid Skin Care

Ever wondered what makes glycolic acid skin care a hot topic in beauty circles? It’s a key ingredient making waves for its skin-transforming powers. With years of experience in the skincare industry, I bring insights and expertise to the table, ensuring you get reliable and practical advice. Glycolic acid skin care stands out for its […]

Cosmetic Regulations Unveiled: Safeguarding Beauty Standards

Are you aware of the ever-evolving landscape of cosmetic regulations? Do you know how these changes impact your beauty products? As an expert in the field, I bring a wealth of knowledge and insight into these critical changes. The cosmetic industry regulations are a crucial aspect of maintaining quality and safety in beauty products. They […]

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I am Sunny Zheng, me and my team would be happy to meet you and learn all about your business, requirements and expectations.










[ben 4] I am Sunny Zheng, me and my team would be happy to meet you and learn all about your business, requirements and expectations.


Kaia Lv


Yoyo Su


Cara Long

We will contact you within 1 working day, please pay attention to the email with the suffix “@tyoemcosmetic.com”